The country’s economic situation is not good at all, and neither is it globally.
When we see that there is some proposal to reduce VAT on purchases of products in supermarkets, and that they may be deductible, we talk about some way of alleviating the cost of living and the pressure that this places on the State.
The Ministry of Finance complains saying that it is going to stop receiving US$100 million a year, what we do not see, at all, is that the State has any plan to reduce the group of supernumerary public employees who are making it more and more expensive to obtain them through our taxes, 58% of them only to pay the salary of this innumerable group of citizens who have no reason to be in those places, nor does it represent an investment on the part of the constituents.
During the pandemic only 100,000 worked. Two hundred and fifty thousand stayed in their homes and the State functioned perfectly.
He threatened with a reform of the State, but it was not carried out. It was only to show the people that they should do something for them, even though they did nothing afterwards.
The reduction of the tremendous public spending, the incredible internal corruption that is estimated at almost US$ 2,000 million annually, are the main reasons why the economy as a whole cannot continue to hold on at this rate, and that at some point there will be an explosion like in Ecuador, where people take to the streets and say “enough with this type of abuse”.