The engineer Paul Yarullconsiders that the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources, without endangering the environmental conservationshould allow the extraction of aggregate material from rivers, based on good studies.
He said that extraction in a controlled, authorized and supervised manner is beneficial on many occasions, since extraction allows the aquiferous veins to be uncovered and the water to refill the rivers that are practically dry.
Can read: Pablo Yarull sees a positive launch of the Siembra RD program
Yarull suggested that other protected areas that should be studied are those that have huge amount of landmany of them with a tourist vocation and that could be reduced to use them for tourism, which they need so much.
Yarull affirms that “this country has immensities of virgin mountains and protected areas that we could never affect our environment, as long as the law is applied for those who violate it and do not have the permits that the competent authorities must grant.”