The Homicide Brigade of the Investigative Police (PDI) is investigating an attack with firearms that took place on Wednesday night in the Recoleta commune, Metropolitan region, which left one deceased and two people at risk. vital.
The incident occurred when the three victims were outside a home, when they were approached by a group of subjects with firearms who fired a series of shots at them.
This was explained by the commissioner of the Metropolitan Homicide Brigade, Gabriel Alarcón.
“Violent action that results in a 22-year-old being seriously injured and dying at the scene, while his 31- and 18-year-old companions are seriously injured with thoracic and abdominal trauma from ballistic projectiles,” Alarcón explained.
In this way, the injured were transferred to the San José Hospital, where they remain hospitalized in serious condition and life-threatening.
By order of the Public Ministry, the PDI Criminalistics Laboratory is carrying out the skills to identify him or the participants in the attack, through the evidence of the place, registrations and images from the security cameras.