This Wednesday, June 22, the strike and march of the Coordinating Union Board of Entities (MSCE) and an act in front of the Executive Tower were carried out, in rejection of the salary reduction and the President of the Republic was demanded to comply with what was promised in recovery of real wages.
The member of the leadership of the Federation of OSE Officials (FFOSE), Ramón Parra, said that the government “lies” and has begun to “speed up the pace of its neoliberal plan of privatization and weakening of state companies.”
“Once again a Herrerista government arrives and the Uruguayan people have to come out to defend public companies. They have not realized that, as in 1994, the people maintain that the companies belong to the State and have to be in their hands”, he remarked.
He said that several of the inconveniences that the different state services have been suffering are due to the lack of investment, personnel, and development plans.
The union leader referred to the controversy between workers and the OSE board over the “alarming lack of personnel, which in the last four years has risen to more than 800 jobs.”
He expressed his rejection of the Neptune Project for the purification of water in Arazatí.
For his part, Juan González, a member of the Association of Postal Officials of Uruguay (AFPU), questioned the social security reform, the possibility of closing AFE, “how terrible it is proposed for ANTEL, among other government proposals to dismantle state enterprises.
While the secretary of the Single Telecommunications Union (SUTEL), Florencia Leymonié, rejected the breaking of ANTEL’s monopoly, and questioned that it is “assaulting the heritage and sovereignty of all Uruguayans.”