Representatives of the National Directorate of Planning and Health Policies of the Minsa, supported in a virtual meeting before the representatives of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), the preliminary draft of the Budget requested for the Fiscal Validity 2023, which amounts to 3 thousand 542 million 293 thousand 282 balboas, explained Luz Mery Lasso, head of the department of formulation, budget evaluation and investment projects of the Planning Directorate.
“Today, we have supported the preliminary project requested before the MEF, then they evaluate what we presented and later send us a recommended budget based on what is stipulated for the Ministry of Health, with the changes they consider, what we must do Lasso added.
The request for this budget is greater than that of the fiscal year 2022, which amounts to 2 thousand 532 million 140 thousand 770 balboas, with a difference between the preliminary draft requested 2023 vs. the Law 2022 budget of one thousand 010 million 152 thousand 512.
The report presented stipulates that the Macros projects in terms of investment, contemplated for the year 2023, are to continue with the construction of the Manuel Amador Guerrero Hospital in the province of Colón, whose works must be completed and delivered for proper operation in December 2024 and the Children’s Hospital, which must be completed in four years.
It is also contemplated to start with the construction of the new hospitals in Metetí, province of Darién; Aquilino Tejeira in Penonomé and the hospital in Bugaba, in the Chiriquí province, the National Cancer Institute and the new headquarters of the Metropolitan Health Region.