In an armed attack on a Porongo police patrol three uniformed men were riddled with bullets, sources from the Santa Cruz Police Command confirmed to EL DEBER.
It all happened when uniformed men moved to the Los Cuchis community to carry out a citizen security patrol, at the request of the inhabitants of the area. Suddenly, an Ipsum model wagonwhich was traveling in the opposite direction, detected the police presence and opened fire.
After the surprise deadly attack, the criminals fled.
One of the hypotheses handled by the Police is that it is a dangerous drug trafficking clan that upon seeing the patrol traveling that route, he believed that he was being followed and attacked.
police deployment
The olive green institution has displaced tactical groups such as Delta, Intelligence, Felcc, Felcn and air patrol, who are currently operating on the routes of Porongo, La Guardia, Belgium and the entire Integrated North to find the murderers.
Likewise, a strong police control is carried out at the entrance and exit of the bridge that connects Urubó with Santa Cruz de la Sierra.