This Tuesday, the leader of Fuerza Popular, Keiko Fujimori, announced on her social networks the end of her marriage to Mark Vito Vilanella, with whom she had been married for 18 years.
“After extensive reflection, we inform you that Mark and I we have decided to end our marriage. We are doing it on the best terms and reaffirming our commitment to continue educating and supporting our daughters with much love”, was the message that Fujimori Higuchi wrote on his Twitter account.
The beginning of the history of both dates back to 2004, when they decided to say yes in the Parroquia Virgen de Fátima parish, located in Miraflores. This ceremony was in charge of Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani.
The event was attended by various Fujimori politicians who supported the government of the former president Alberto Fujimori. In addition to them, the outside of the parish was packed with dozens of people, including those who supported Keiko fujimori and his father and those who rejected the management he had had in past years.
The former presidential candidate also entered her wedding on the arm of her older brother, Hiro, who led her down the aisle in the absence of her father, who was a fugitive from justice at the time.
However, Alberto Fujimori was present at the ceremony, as he sent a recorded message from Japan to congratulate his daughter on her marriage to Mark Vito Vilanella.
“Today on Keiko’s wedding day let me exercise my right as a ‘pussy’ father. I am so happy to know that today she will walk down the aisle hand in hand with a good man who deserves her and that happiness will help me cope with the pain I feel for not being able to be there personally to take her by the arm at the most important moment of his life. May you and Mark be very happy and God bless you”, Were the words of the now imprisoned former president.