The Constitution of Justice Commission (CCJ) of the Chamber of Deputies approved the text of the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution 11/2022, which gives legal certainty to the national salary floor for nurses, nursing technicians, nursing assistants and midwives. Now, the text goes to the special commission, which should discuss the PEC before its consideration in plenary.
The vote, which took place in a symbolic way, was not unanimous only because the Novo party was divergent. Deputy Bilac Pinto (União Brasil-MG) stated that the special commission should define the source of funding for this salary floor. “We are in favor of it, but we can’t put this bill only on city halls and hospitals,” he said.
The matter was proposed after senators and deputies approved PL 2.564/2020, authored by Senator Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES), which provides for a minimum initial floor for nurses in the amount of R$ 4,750. According to the proposal, this will be the minimum remuneration to be paid nationally for public and private health services. In the case of other professionals, the text sets 70% of the national level of nurses for nursing technicians and 50% for nursing assistants and midwives.