The official negotiations of the dollar in the Colombian market will return this Tuesday, after the Monday holiday in Colombia and the United States, so foreign currency transactions are carried out today under operations next day.
(Will a dollar be possible at $5,000 today in Colombia?).
This mechanism allows negotiations for the purchase and sale of dollars with a deadline of one or two days, which means that if a trader makes a trade this Monday he will receive the trade on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on the characteristics of the negotiation.
Although transactions can be made under this mechanism, it should be noted that the Representative Market Rate that will continue to apply until Tuesday when the official market reopens will be $3,905, the level at which it closed on Friday.
Under this scenario, according to Juan David Ballén, Director of Analysis and Strategy at Casa de Bolsa, the dollar in next day transactions is trading this Monday, after the victory of Gustavo Petro in the elections this Sunday, at $4,062. This means an increase of 4% or $159 compared to the previous session.