Victor Ballinas
Newspaper La Jornada
Monday, June 20, 2022, p. eleven
Morena presented an initiative to the Permanent Commission to establish that every person has the right to be searched, and in cases of forced disappearance or by private individuals, the State will guarantee the search, location and identification actions, making use of the various institutions and mechanisms what account
Deputy Manuel Vázquez, from the Morena caucus, proposed adding article 1 to the Magna Carta and stressed that to date there are more than 90,000 people in that condition.
The initiative, he added, seeks to respond to the crisis facing the country, by raising this right to constitutional status.
He pointed out that forced disappearance is one of the most serious violations of human rights. Vulnera, in inexplicable ways, not only to the victims and their family environment, but to the social environment, since it creates terrifying and almost permanent uncertainty about the whereabouts or fate of the victims
He said that according to the National Data Registry of Missing or Disappeared Persons, to date there are more than 90 thousand whose whereabouts are unknown, of which 23 thousand 645 are women and 71 thousand 393 are men, while 518 cases are not determined. In Mexico, the legislator pointed out, the black figure for this crime is considerable.
In addition to thousands of migrants whose disappearance is denounced by relatives and organizations. The national registry shows that there are 20,892 cases of disappeared without reference nationality and 2,677 foreigners.
Vázquez cited that according to the Network for Children’s Rights in Mexico, 4.6 minors disappear every day, recruited by cartels and drug trafficking cells.
The legislator considered fundamental the right of every disappeared person to be searched, with concrete actions by State institutions capable of clarifying their whereabouts and responding to the right to truth and justice.