The Salvadoran Football Federation (Fesfut) condemned this Monday the violent death of referee José Arnoldo Amayawho was attacked over the weekend when he was directing a non-federated league match on a field in San Salvador.
The Fesfut “condemns, regrets and rejects the physical aggression with a fatal result in the humanity of the referee José Arnoldo Amaya, by pseudo-fans and players during a match that he directed at the Toluca stadium in San Salvador,” he stated in a statement.
Referee Amaya, 63, who belonged to the National Association of Soccer Referees of El Salvador (AAFES), according to Fesfut, “was brutally attacked” and was later transferred to a state hospital where “as a result of the forceful injuries he died.”
At the moment the authorities they have not established precisely how the event happened and they are in search of the alleged perpetrators.
Amaya, who had 20 years of experience, He directed tournaments in neighborhoods, schools and in an amateur soccer league in San Salvador.