Havana Cuba. — Since Cubans access the Internet more regularly, the Castro regime —which lost its absolute monopoly on information— has been forced to devise a new communication strategy. Only this, like almost everything else in his disastrous governance, does not work for him and leaves him in a very bad light, ridiculous.
Now it is no longer like a few years ago, when the official media only reported what they deemed convenient and manipulated it according to their interests: the regime can no longer hide the facts and its pranks. In this context, situations that they would prefer to hide or disguise, transcend social networks and are known by the population.
The boldest and the most desperate continually question, confront, challenge and ridicule leaders on social media. Given this, the bosses, who can not stand being put in the cyber pillory, have called to give battle on social networks. It is a dirty war in which the same resort to trollscyberclarias and usual cacasenos, than to threats, fines by virtue of repressive decrees and Internet cuts like those to which dozens of independent activists and journalists are subjected right now.
After 11J, in their new communication strategy, the spokesmen for neo-Castroism, in the role of fire extinguishers of popular discontent, the same on social networks as on TV, are always on the defensive, trying to justify the unjustifiable, without being able to sign up something that is moderately believable.
The disquisitions of Karen Brito and Iroel Sánchez in The Amazed Pupil they already seem like genius compared to the nonsense, vileness and nonsense of Michael Torres-Corona and the taliban girls on the show edged in his effort to blame everything on “a media conspiracy against the revolution” and to accuse anyone who differs even an inch from the official line of being a mercenary.
To innovate, at NTV, after the infamies of Humberto López, they have not come up with anything better than the newly released and poorly rehearsed histrionics of the previously sober journalist Cristina Escobar, and get Rey Gómez out of Telesur and bring him back to make emphatic faces and read rigged information, both about the war in Ukraine and about Mipymes, with a diction and an accent that seem from another planet.
These days, the ruling party, using all its artillery, as if against a dangerous enemy leader, attacks Amelia Calzadillaa desperate young mother who in a direct message on social networks denounced the situation in which she and her children find themselves.
El Guerrero Cubano, a State Security page, has shown, as if they were indisputable evidence of guilt, photos of Amelia Calzadilla in Tropicana, with acrylic nails; also of her house, as if because it was painted and furnished, in said house they could not lack electricity, food and gas to cook it.
But the height of ridicule and nonsense reached him Cubadebate with an article by Ernesto Estévez Rams, where he states that “Amelia’s viral video is a textbook example of what is called irritation management”, a “laboratory operation”.
The claim to make believe that all the desperate Cubans who protest the inhumane conditions in which we are living are salaried agents of the US government and its intelligence services is deliriously absurd.
The bosses of Castro’s continuity and the parrots who serve them in the media are too clumsy, arrogant and arrogant. Disconnected from reality, with their usual triumphalism, trying to cover the sun with a finger, playing the victims of comic conspiracies, they undervalue the intelligence and common sense of Cubans.
The opinions expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the issuer and do not necessarily represent the opinion of CubaNet.
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