The Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) suspended from this Monday all teaching and administrative work due to the election process of its new authorities, which will be held this Wednesday.
The return to the high house of study will be next Monday, June 20after the electoral process has passed.
The elections where the positions of the people who will occupy the rectory, vice rectories, deanships and their vicedeanships, among other school addresses, will be held this Wednesday 15, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm
The persons who may exercise the right to vote in the elections of the state university are the members of the Elective Major Cloister, made up of all active duty teachers, teaching assistants, and a percentage of the student population and employees of the UASD.
In total they will be 3,215 people who can choose who will replace the current rector Emma Polanco. Of those there are 2,980 professors with the right to vote; 59 teaching assistants, which is a representation of 2% of these professionals; a representation of five percent of the students who are 149, but in this case only 146 qualified.
Likewise, 1% of the employees of the UASDwhich in its entirety will be 30 for a total of 3,215 voters.
The voting tables will be distributed in all the faculties, campuses and university centers that make up the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo.
Editrudis Beltrán and Jorge Asjana aspire for the rectory.
In the circular 004-2022the primacy of America calls on those who are part of the electoral roll to vote in accordance with the rules that govern the process.
“We take advantage of the occasion to urge our teachers, administrative servants and students who are part of the voter registry to exercise the vote with zealous adherence to the rules that govern the process, always bearing in mind that we are and always will be the Uasdian family”, it says. The document.