The Power of attorney authorized the trips of the former president Martin Vizcarra to the cities of Junín and Arequipa in order to participate in the activities of his political party, Peru Primero.
The Third National Criminal Court of Appeals authorized Vizcarra Cornejo to travel to Junín from June 11 to 12 and to Arequipa from July 14 to 15after declaring that Vizcarra’s defense appeal was partially founded.
In this way, said instance revoked the resolution of the Fifth National Preparatory Investigation Courtwhich had declared the former president’s request for travel authorization unfounded in the first instance.
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However, the referee required Vizcarra Dogwoodwho was investigated for the alleged crime of aggravated collusion and others, report his activities carried out in said regions before the court of origin, once he returns to Lima.
In case of non-compliance, the measure of appearance could be revoked with restrictions due to preventive detention, prior fiscal requirement and judicial evaluation by the competent judge.
As recalled, Martin Vizcarra He is being investigated for alleged acts of corruption related to the Lomas de Ilo Irrigation Project and the Moquegua Hospital, when he held the position of regional governor.
For this reason, the former president has been complying with the measure of appearance with restrictions subject to rules of conduct. One of them is the obligation not to be absent from the locality where he resides without prior judicial authorization.