Cuba reported 15 new cases of COVID-19 this Friday after the analysis of 3,777 samples for the detection of coronavirus. No deaths from the disease are reported.
According to the usual part of the Ministry of Public Health (Minsap), of the number of patients with COVID-19, a group of 14 was a contact of confirmed cases, while one had the source of infection abroad. Of the total cases, 7 were women and 8 men.
Coronavirus in Cuba: infections reach one of the lowest figures in months, 24 on Friday
Cuba has already confirmed 1,105,592 patients with the disease, of whom 104 remain hospitalized, and 102 have a stable clinical picture. 8,529 deaths are reported and two patients are currently in critical condition in intensive care.
Yesterday there were 15 medical discharges for a total of 1,096,900 since the first reports of the disease on the Island.