The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) indicated that, beyond the debate on the exclusion of countries, the issue on the table is the operation and functionality of the Organization of American States (OAS).
Ebrard accused this international organization of playing a political and interventionist role in Bolivia, instead of worrying about how the member countries would supply themselves with medicines and vaccines against COVID-19.
“The issue is not only whether or not some countries are excluded, or whether or not the principle of intervention is admitted, which Mexico rejects, but also that the architecture, foundation and function of the OAS are exhausted,” he said.
In this sense, the Mexican official raised the possibility of transforming the OAS so that there is a guarantee of non-intervention and non-exclusion of countries.
“The time has come when, for the good of the Americas, we must resolve this difference. I understand that it is not easy for the United States to make some of these decisions, but it is evident that we have to do so. How is it possible that at this summit the majority of the countries has expressed their disagreement, and that at the end nothing happens?”, he said.
To do this, Marcelo Ebrard made a call to the US government:
“A new agreement is being proposed to the United States and a new stage is to be initiated at the Summit of the Americas. Biden is thanked for receiving us and taking note. But we have a new geopolitical reality that advises us to seek unity. Let’s change the OAS, it is already exhausted; and that the blockade against Cuba be lifted,” the foreign minister suggested.