Eletrobras released today (10) a material fact with the value of each share set at R$ 42. According to the company’s statement, the total amount to be raised will be R$ 29,294,027,952.00.
The price of the American Depositary Share (ADS, which is an equity interest in dollars of a foreign company on the US stock exchange) was US$ 8.63.
The company’s statement adds that “no registration of the global public offering or the shares will be carried out in any agency or regulatory body, except in Brazil, with the CVM [Comissão de Valores Mobiliários]and in the United States of America, with the SEC [Securities end Exchange Commission, agência que regula o mercado norte-americano]”.
According to Eletrobras, more information about the Brazilian offer can be obtained in the Definitive Prospectus and Commencement Announcement disclosed in the Eletrobras page.