The Senate approved today (8) the Provisional Measure (MP) 1,100/2022, which adjusts the collection of taxes on ethanol to allow the direct sale of the producer or importer to the retail sector. The text goes on for promulgation.
The MP promotes adjustments in the collection of the Contribution to the Social Integration and Heritage Formation Programs for Public Servants (contribution to PIS/Pasep) and the Contribution to the Financing of Social Security (Cofins) levied on the production and marketing chain of ethanol.
The proposal adjusts the rules established by the Law No. 14,292of January 3, 2022, which allow the direct sale of ethanol from the producer or the importer to legal entities and retailers, especially to establish their own rules for direct sales made by cooperatives.
The changes became necessary due to the vetoes imposed on Law No. 14,292 (on the sale of fuel alcohol), in compliance with the Fiscal Responsibility Law, Complementary Law No. 101, of May 4, 2000.