The expectation that the employment situation of Panamanians will improve for the next 12 months is low, according to the latest report of the Panamanian Consumer Confidence Index (ICCP).
The report presented by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama and The Marketing Group, reveals that 50% of the unemployed surveyed consider it unlikely to obtain a job, while 35% believe that they will not have a job, 4% consider that will have a job and 11% consider that it is quite likely that they will have a job.
The ICCP measurement for May (107) increased 3 percentage points compared to the month of March when 104 points were registered in the level of confidence about the economic situation.
Regarding expectations about the probability of saving money, there is a decrease of 6 percentage points, compared to March 2022, although confidence levels remain at 51 points.
While the expectations of consumers about the economic situation of their homes is at 109, which indicates that the future perception of the economic situation remains above the confidence line.