The Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS) today raised the maximum values of prices for affordable housing, which are taken as a reference for the program Own roof.
LOOK: 6,249 families accessed a home in April with Own Roof and New Mivivienda Credit
Through Supreme Decree No. 004-2022-Housing, published today in the official newspaper El Peruano, the maximum values of Social Interest Housing (VIS) in the New Housing Acquisition modality are updated as follows:
- Single Family VIS (houses) up to S/ 96,300.
- VIS in Multifamily Building/Residential Complex/Quinta (apartments) up to S/ 120,300.
The updating of these maximum values is the product of multiplying the housing value of the previous year by the sum of the weightings of the value of the VIS, considering the adjustment factor of the indicators: price index of construction materials at the level of Metropolitan Lima, average increase in basic daily wages of civil construction workers and consumer price index for Metropolitan Lima, rounded to the next hundred.
The new home acquisition modality is aimed at families who do not have a home or land so that they can buy a Social Interest Home with the help of the family housing voucher.
The amount of the family housing bonus to buy a home is now S/ 40,250, which was approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 397-2022-Housing, and is valid until December 31, 2022.