According to the PwC 2022 Annual Global Survey of Presidents, 69% of corporate leaders in Colombia stated that projections are favorable of their businesses, above the global average of 56%.
(See: Colombia equals OECD average with inflation of 9.2% in April).
However, in the case of Colombian managers, the percentage is lower than a year ago, when it was 83% and global optimism was 85%.
“The projections and perspectives of security could be reflected mainly in those organizations that are more prepared to face the different scenarios and impacts derived from global commercial frictions, as well as for those that have adjusted to situations of change such as those presented in the last two years“, was recorded in the survey.
The optimism of Colombian businessmen coincides with their positive perception of the confidence that CEOs have in world economic growth, which is also on the rise.
(See: What is a recession, when was the last one and why are there fears of one?).
To the question: ‘Do you think the world economy will improve over the next 12 months?’, 94% of Colombian senior managers responded affirmatively. In Latin America that percentage was 81%, while at the Global level it was 77%.
Although the vision is optimistic, among businessmen there are situations that have an impact on the country that generate a feeling of concern among Colombian senior executives due to the consequences that they may bring to their business activity.
(See: High inflation puts the brakes on several GDPs in Latin America).
When asked, ‘How concerned are you that the following global threats will negatively affect your business in the next 12 months?’, the most common concern (67%) is that of Social inequality. In Latin America, the percentage for this topic is 41%, while globally it is 18%.
follow the economic volatility, as stated by 65% of national CEOs compared to 64% of Latin Americans and 43% of global ones.
Then they mention climate change (61%), health risks (61%) and geopolitical conflicts (49%), always above the region and the world.
(See: The four future scenarios of globalization, according to the WEF).
For this study, PwC surveyed 4,446 CEOs in 89 countriess and territories between October and November 2021.
94% of the interviews were conducted online and 6% by mail, phone or in person. The survey of 49 business executives in Colombia is included.