The National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) today (6th) approved the draft notice and contracts for the 7th round of airport concessions. 15 airports will be auctioned in blocks in the North, Southeast and Midwest regions. The auction is expected to take place on August 18.
Among the terminals that will be auctioned is Congonhas Airport, which leads the SP-MS-PA-MG block. The block also includes the airports of Campo Grande, Corumbá and Ponta Porã, in Mato Grosso do Sul; Santarém, Marabá, Parauapebas and Altamira, in Pará; Uberlândia, Uberaba and Montes Claros, in Minas Gerais. The minimum initial bid is BRL 740.1 million. The estimated value for the entire contract is R$ 11.6 billion.
In addition to the SP-MS-PA-MG Block, the General Aviation blocks, formed by the Campo de Marte airports, in São Paulo and Jacarepaguá, in Rio de Janeiro, will be auctioned. The minimum initial contribution is R$141.4 million. The estimated value for the entire contract is R$ 1.7 billion.
The North II block is integrated by the airports of Belém and Macapá. The minimum starting bid is BRL 56.9 million. The estimated value for the entire contract is R$ 1.9 billion.
According to Anac, the concession model will have flexible regulation, compatible and proportional to the size of each airport in relation to the tariff. In addition, the same bidder may bid for the three blocks.
“The airport operator’s minimum technical qualification requirement will be proof of processing experience, in at least one of the last five years, of one million passengers for North Block II and five million passengers for SP-MS-PA blocks -MG. In the case of the General Aviation Block, the processing of passengers must be at least 200,000 passengers or, alternatively, 17,000 aircraft movements (landings and takeoffs)”, informed Anac.