The National Electoral Institute (INE) released tonight the results of his Quick Count of the election for Governor of Tamaulipas.
According to the preliminary count, the coalition candidate Morena-PT-PVEMAmérico Villareal, would obtain between 49.5 and 52.7% of the vote, while the candidate of the alliance PRI, PAN, PRD, César Augusto Verástegui, would obtain between 41.7 and 44.8% of the votes. The Citizen Movement candidate, Arturo Gutiérrez Navarro, would obtain between 3.0 and 3.4% of the total vote cast.
These results will still have to be confirmed in the district calculations that will begin this Monday, June 6.
According to quick count INEparticipation in Tamaulipas during this election it ranged between 51.6% and 55.6 percent.
For this count, of the 300 cells that make up the sample, information was received from 272 cells, which represent 90.7% of the total sample.