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China imposes provisional tariffs on industrial plastics from the US, the EU, Japan and Taiwan
The provisional “antidumping” duties on polyacetal copolymers will begin to be applied from January 24 and will range between 3.8% and 74.9%, depending on the country and the company, the Ministry of
José Jerí Case: Ethics Commission will vote next week whether to initiate an investigation into sexual rape
What Peru21 announced was confirmed. The Ethics Commission will vote next week, in an extraordinary session, whether or not to initiate a preliminary investigation against the Somos Perú congressman, José Jerí, for
Director of the DGII says there will be no extension for renewal of the tag
The general director of Internal Revenue, Luis Valdez, said this Tuesday that there will be no extension for the renewal of the tag for the period 2024-2025, which expires on Friday, January
The National Party blocks the candidacy of Caram and Dos Santos in the departmental elections
The decision, confirmed by the Minister of the Electoral Court, José Garchitorena, is part of the electoral regulations that prevent leaders from participating in internal elections of a party and then running
Fourteen OAS countries urge Maduro to respect the constitutional order in Venezuela
OAS countries such as the US, Argentina and Chile asked Nicolás Maduro, among other things, to respect the diplomatic headquarters in Caracas A group of 14 countries that make up the Organization