In addition, he accused the minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), Yasmín Esquivel, of giving entry to these actions, in addition to wanting to nullify the authority of the Superior Chamber of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial Power of the Federation ( TEPJF), whose resolutions are final and unassailable.
“We should not get used to the fact that the constitutional order begins to be affected by decisions even from authorities of the Mexican State”, observed Councilor Murayama, recalling the content of Article 105 in the sense that the SCJN will hear constitutional controversies with the exception of those related to electoral matters.
While Article 60 states that the rulings of the Superior Chamber of the TEPJF will be final and unassailable. “The same is said in Article 99 and Article 25 of the General Law of the Challenge Means System”, added Counselor Murayama.
In this way, he regretted that the FGR denies him information on the issues that the INE has been investigating for some time, such as Odebrecht, Master scam, Pío López Obrador and recently unreported events of the Movimiento Ciudadano (MC) party in Baja California.