Under the coordination of the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME), the Geological Service of Brazil, among other entities, seeks to create a geological database. The proposal is for the tool to serve as a basic framework for the digital transformation of the Brazilian mineral sector.
“A partnership established now by the coordination of the MME to bring the information generated in the last 100 years by the private sector to compose the same geoscientific database of the Geological Survey of Brazil. A large national geological database. This will bring enormous knowledge, that was never integrated”, explained the director of Geology and Mineral Resources of the Geological Survey of Brazil, Marcio Remédio.
In an interview with the program The Voice of Brazil, he recalled that about 27% of the entire national territory is mapped at an adequate scale. The consolidation of the database, according to the MME, should provide a qualitative leap in knowledge of the Brazilian territory.
National Mining Plan
During the program, the director highlighted that Brazil is the sixth largest mineral producer in the world. “We still have great potential to be discovered”, he evaluated.
Regarding the elaboration of the National Mining Plan, he classified the participation of the Geological Survey of Brazil as fundamental.
“It will be an instrument that will be able to guide and give guidelines for development in the next 30 years, bringing a technical evaluation that allows the best development of the activity, which is very profitable for the country, generates many jobs and today is an activity that we consider very important for the environmental issues, for the energy transition and without which the world will not be able to make this change.”