Santo Domingo.-The president Louis Abinader This Friday, he rejected the opinions of those who consider it necessary for the country to have another figure such as that of the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo (1930-1961) and warned that the education of the entire population should be reinforced in this regard.
“It remains for us, the Dominican people, the political leaders, to educate every day, and that decree we made (335-21), was for that, to help us educate against authoritarianism. That is a pending task as long as a single Dominican thinks that a Trujillo is needed, ”he said.
The president spoke like this when leading the premiere of the documentary “Trujillo after Trujillo”, during an act at the National Palace which presents, with testimonies from prominent Dominican intellectuals, how the dictator’s regime established authoritarianism in Dominican society, impacting institutional and cultural life.
As the date on which the 61st anniversary of the deed of May 30, 1961, which put an end to the dictatorship of TrujilloAbinader pointed out respect for the law and, above all, the transparent and efficient use of public resources as basic elements for the strengthening of democracies and the credibility of their rulers.
“That is what we try to do every day, in every minute of action from the presidency of the Republic, we want to fulfill our duty, achieve government efficiency, without falling into that authoritarianism that has done so much damage to the Dominican Republic” , narrowed down
To this he added that perfecting democracy day after day is a task not only of the President of the Republic but of the entire Dominican society.
However, the head of state stressed that the past is not only a historical story, but also a lever for change so as not to make the same mistakes.
The president, who has a special participation in this audiovisual, was accompanied by the first lady, Raquel Arbaje, and the vice president, Raquel Peña.
On his side, the journalist Persio Maldonado, director of El Nuevo Diario, the medium that produced the documentary, indicated that its purpose is to call on the political, business and social class to assume a greater commitment to democracy and dignity. of the Dominican people.
freedom day
It is recalled that on May 21, 2021, President Abinader issued decree 335-21 that declares May 30 of each year as Freedom Day, in tribute to the national resistance and to the victims of murders, disappearances, torture , abuses and excesses committed against the patrimony of the Dominican state during the 31 years of dictatorial government led by Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina.
In addition, he donated the presidential and confidential files on the Trujillo era to the General Archive of the Nation for the definitive record of the historical truth between 1930 and 1966.
Participants in the documentary
Figures such as Roberto Cassá, Mu-Kien Adriana Sang, Andrés L. Mateo, Wilfredo Lozano, Juan Daniel Balcácer and former Minister of the Armed Forces José Miguel Soto Jiménez participate in the audiovisual. Likewise, the engineer Manuel Tejeda, son of the hero Huáscar Tejeda, direct participant in the assassination and president of the Heroes of May 30 foundation; Juan Sully Bonnelly, former president of the Central Electoral Board (JCE), son of Rafael F. Bonnelly, who was president of the Council of State, who at the time declared a national holiday on May 30, 1962.
The act was attended by the President of the Senate, Eduardo Estrella; the director of Ethics and Governmental Integrity, Milagros Ortiz Bosch; the Administrative Minister of the Presidency, José Ignacio Paliza; the legal consultant of the Executive Branch, Antoliano Peralta; the mayor of the National District, Carolina Mejía and the director of SeNaSa, Santiago Hazim, among others.