The Mexico that we have had for 50 years is an exaggeratedly unequal country that grows little and does not offer opportunities. If we really want to progress, we have to propose a new path to get the country out of the mediocrity in which we have lived.
The main problem we have faced is that public spending is very low and the Mexican state has not had and does not have sufficient resources to promote economic growth and to change the reality of poverty in which more than 50% of the population lives. .
Public spending is very low to offer education, health, housing, quality public services, to protect the environment, to guarantee security and real access to justice for the entire population. Public spending is also very low to invest in the infrastructure that the country requires and to boost private investment, which has also historically been very low.
We are the country with the lowest public and social spending of the nations that make up the OECD and if we want to reach the levels of development of those countries, we first have to strengthen the state.
If we want a fairer Mexico with opportunities for all, we need a stronger state and private sector, give priority to public and private investment, the creation of jobs and opportunities, and simultaneously increase public spending to achieve social equality and a more equal floor for all.
If we really want to commit ourselves to improving the quality of life of the entire population and reducing poverty, the first step on the national agenda must be the increase in revenue and public spending through a fiscal reform that collects more from those who have.
We must be clear that if income and public spending are not increased, everything that is promised will be a lie, as has happened in all these years.
To guarantee people their social rights, eliminate poverty and make the country grow at a faster rate, we have to increase revenue and public spending by 6% over the next six years to channel them to:
Transformation and modernization of the entire education system (1%).
Guarantee free access to preventive health, vaccination, hospitalization, medicines and transfers (1%).
Housing and public services (1%).
Protection and rehabilitation of the environment and the development of clean energies (1%).
Public investment in development and maintenance of the country’s public infrastructure (1%).
Public security and strengthen the rule of law and the administration and administration of justice (1%).
Face reality
Any government proposal that offers greater economic growth and increased investment and public spending on education, health, housing, environmental protection, justice and security, without first committing to increasing public revenue, is just hot air.
I know that it is not politically correct to put the increase in public income at the center of the government proposal, but not doing so is again offering people illusions, as the last candidates and presidents of the Republic have done.
Mexican politician
from the pitch
Citizen interested in solutions for the country and Mexico City. Mexican politician, he has been a federal deputy (1988-1991), senator (2000-2006) and delegation head of Miguel Hidalgo (2009-2012).