The Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP) concluded that the former magistrate of the Constitutional Court (TC) Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña did commit plagiarism, for which he was sanctioned yesterday with a suspension of two academic semesters without benefit.
The Disciplinary Commission for teachers and pre-docents of said house of studies was in charge of evaluating the case, which was uncovered last September.
“Declare teacher Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña responsible for having incurred in the disciplinary offense typified by numeral 21 of Annex I of the Unified Regulation of Disciplinary Procedures,” reads the notification issued yesterday.
LOOK: Eloy Espinosa-Saldaña on the election of TC magistrates: “I would have preferred a debate”
The numeral to which reference is made, precisely, mentions that a “serious” sanction will be imposed for “committing plagiarism or any other analogous act, presenting other people’s ideas as if they were their own, without respecting the copyright of a third party.”
Eight months ago, it became known that the then magistrate reproduced in two of his academic articles from that year ideas embodied in the 2013 thesis of his former advisor at the TC, Juan Manuel Sosa, without providing the corresponding citations.
“When they tell me about one of the plagiarized articles, I check it carefully, I recognize my writing and I see that 18 or 19 of the 22 conclusions of my thesis have been copied. Then I checked the other one and saw that the situation was similar,” Sosa told El Comercio.
The Disciplinary Commission determined that the sanction will be executed in the semesters 2022-II and 2023-I. And it was indicated that “the sanctioned teacher has the power to challenge his sanction before the Judiciary.”
knew that
- Sosa, former advisor to the magistrate in the TC, also pointed out that Espinosa-Saldaña even reproduced his work in exhibitions, without attributing authorship.
- “Basically, he makes an oral reproduction of this plagiarism in his conferences,” Sosa was quoted as saying by El Comercio.