Until the 31st of this month, the Electoral Justice closes the deadline for the officialization of party federations. Unprecedented in the country, the new rule, created after party coalitions were extinguished for regional elections and maintained only for majority elections, allows two or more parties to act together. Initially, the final date for registration was March 1, but a decision by the Federal Court of Justice (STF) extended the deadline.
Unlike coalitions, where the partnership could be dissolved as soon as the electoral process was completed, in federations the parties maintain their autonomy, but must act as one from the electoral period, when candidates will run for political office, until the end of the elections. four-year term, if elected. Any failure to comply with the rule may cause the dissident party to be unable to federate with other acronyms during the next two elections, or until the remaining minimum term is completed.
Approved by Congress last year, the federations were created to try to minimize the problems created by the fragmentation of parties in the country, which has 32 acronyms of different currents. Some of these parties were not even able to elect a representative in Parliament. United, the associations also merge television time for electoral propaganda and the resources they receive for campaigns and party maintenance.