O presidente Jair Bolsonaro descartou hoje (21), em sua conta no Twitter, a edição de medida provisória (MP) para tributar compras feitas no exterior por meio de plataformas na internet.
“I will not sign any MP to tax purchases by apps like Shopee, AliExpress, Shein etc as much of the media has been promoting. For possible irregularities in this service, or others, the way out should be inspection, not tax increases,” Bolsonaro wrote in the post.
Currently, the exemption Import tax occurs for orders of up to US$ 50. However, the benefit is only granted if the shipment takes place between two individuals, without commercial purposes.
according to Special Secretary of the Federal Revenue, Júlio César Gomesin an interview with the program Brazil on the agenda gives TV Brazilat the beginning of this month, many sellers pretend to be individuals when, in fact, they are companies constituted to avail themselves of exemptions, which constitutes fraud.
César Gomes called these applications “virtual street vendors.” According to him, today Brazil receives around 500,000 of these orders a day.
According to the secretary, the Federal Revenue is intensifying the fight against smuggled goods or those that circumvent current tax rules through a recently launched tax traceability program. In the interview, the secretary also stated that the issue of a provisional measure focusing on “virtual street vendors” was being studied.