The Chamber of Deputies approved this Thursday (19) the provisional measure that opens extraordinary credit of R$ 167.2 million for the Ministry of Citizenship to distribute food baskets to the quilombola population. The matter goes to the Senate.
Edited by the federal government in December last year, the MP responds to a February 2021 decision by the Federal Supreme Court (STF) in face of an action proposed by the Articulation of Rural Black Quilombola Communities (Conaq) and political parties.
At the time, the decision determined that the Union formulate a “national plan to face the covid-19 pandemic with regard to the quilombola population”. The measure should contain objectives, goals, programmatic actions, implementation schedule and evaluation methodologies, contemplating, at least, measures aimed at expanding prevention strategies and access to testing means and public health services, entry control in territories by third parties and distribution of food and hygiene and disinfection material.
“The relevance is due to the guarantee of compliance with ADPF 742, which determines the promotion of food security through the distribution of food to the approximately 202 thousand quilombola families in the country, with the distribution of baskets for at least 6 months, as indicated in the plan”, justified the Executive Branch when editing the matter.