Poorly done public works are a common feature of the country. Now that problems are appearing again on the Costanera Norte, where part of the sidewalks have been consumed by the recent rains, it is being seen that the refilling of those areas that were previously low and were prone to flooding is not being worked on efficiently. floods.
We need to be certain about that because the Costanera Sur is still much more expensive, according to the same builders of the Costanera Norte.
Public works are costing us more and more money, and are becoming less efficient. If we don’t have the capacity at the local level, then let’s bring in companies from outside -or people from outside- that can teach our people how to carry out a job that doesn’t carry the same value in repairs as it did when it began to be built.
No government has built as many routes as the current one, and also for that very reason -and for what is currently submerged, in terms of resources plus US$2,000 million- we should be certain that they have been supervised and controlled efficiently, so as not to having to regret in a very short time sidewalks that are consumed, pavements that sink or bridges that collapse. All of this costs us much more dearly for not doing things efficiently and honestly.
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The entrance Inaugurate, but at what cost? was first published in The Independent.