The Minister of Economy and Finance, Azucena Arbeleche, said that “Fernando Pereira is clearly on a political campaign”when asked about the considerations that the president of the Broad Front had on the government this Monday.
“There is a model that failed, and that model is the government”Pereira said at a press conference. Arbeleche was consulted during the press conference held at the Executive Tower on Tuesday, in which the Executive Branch announced five economic measures for vulnerable sectors. “Fernando Pereira is clearly on a political campaign with these comments,” limited the hierarch to saying, who was also asked about the preparations for the inquiry to your wallet to be held in Parliament.
“There is not going to be anything new, we have been sharing the measures,” said the minister; and she highlighted the “attitude” that the government has had in the current international context. “This is very dynamic,” he said, recalling the global “uncertainty”. In line with the words of President Luis Lacalle Pou, Arbeleche pointed out that the government is always “open to analyzing proposals.”
The minister insisted that “concrete measures that are sustained over time” must be announced from the Executive Tower in order to “not go back” as has happened with some countries as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.
The heads of Economy, Social Development (Martín Lema) and Labor (Pablo Mieres), led a press conference on Tuesday night at the Executive Tower, accompanied by leaders of the government coalition.
For his part, the president of the Broad Front spoke about the social security reform hours before and wondered what happened to the “five best years of our lives” that those who now make up the government had promised.