The recently elected as the new rector of the University of Chile, Rosa Devés, referred to the challenges of her appointment, what was approved by the Constitutional Convention and what will be her relationship with the Government of the President of the Republic, Gabriel Boric.
in conversation with radio dnaDevés acknowledged that his new position is “an enormous responsibility, but it is collective.”
“The University has this tradition of working in a participatory manner. I am accompanied and the decisions are always collective. If we want an excellent university, it has to be diverse and it has to be equitable, inclusive,” she said.
On the other hand, Deves indicated that as a university they are “very happy with the way education appears in the draft.”
“Education as a primary duty of the State, that is fundamental. Education as essential for the exercise of other rights,” he said. Along the same lines, he referred to the relationship that the University of Chile will have with the State, emphasizing that they are a state institution.
“With any government, with the state, our responsibility is to cooperate. But with this government we share many common values,” he concluded.