For the first time, the INDEC (National Statistics and Census Institute) included homeless people in the census 2022for which a special operation has been developed by the agency.
The census 2022, for homeless people, is held at night, in 75 locations in the country. So far, the census takers have come to carry out questionnaire in person, as will be done with the homes this Wednesday.
This population is asked the same questions that the rest of the citizens will answer, with the exception of those related to housing, so the census 2022 will deliver more accurate information on current living conditions.
This information will also allow a closer look at the poverty rates in the country.because before, the homeless population was not surveyed and the figure that was thrown was estimated with other sub-registers.
In this regard, the director of INDEC, Marco Lavagna, highlighted this fact as a historic event in relation to the general survey that is carried out periodically in the country.
This, since the objective of the census is to quantify and characterize the country’s dwellings, households and population, since this information has not been updated since 2010.
“Not only do we effectively census people who live on the street, but also those who are in a vulnerable situation who live in a hostel, but a person who is sleeping in a hostel one night can sleep on the street the next. “.
How the 2022 census was carried out with homeless people
Questionnaire It began to take place this Monday, from 8:00 p.m., when homeless people spend the night on the streets. 265 census takers participated in the activity.
The staff reached the 31 urban agglomerations established in the INDEC Permanent Household Survey. The workers go in pairs (a census taker and a social operator) who travel in a vehicle to carry out the surveys by block.