Bolivia reported 63 people who tested positive for coronavirus and no deaths for that cause. Those are the figures reported by the Government this Saturday in the report on the pandemic in the country; while in several municipalities the possibility of annulling the use of a chinstrap is debated due to the low incidence of those infected in recent times.
This Saturday, Cochabamba was the department that presented the most cases with 24, followed by Santa Cruz 23, Chuquisaca seven, La Paz six, Tarija two and Oruro one case; while Potosí, Beni and Pando did not register any positive for Covid-19.
However, the global figure is slowly creeping towards one million people infected, 906,146 people have already contracted the disease in the country; 863,665 are those who recovered, 21,493 lost their lives and there are 20,538 cases that are still active.
Precisely those recovered were 231 this Saturday, which is also a lower figure considering that in recent weeks those recovered numbered in the thousands. La Paz registered the highest number of people who defeated the virus with 128 patients, Tarija 32, Chuquisaca 31, Cochabamba 20, Santa Cruz 19, Potosí one case; while Oruro, Pando and Beni did not record recovered people.
Although the Government demanded that to eliminate the use of the chinstrap, the municipalities must guarantee 80% of people vaccinated with the complete scheme; In reality, the citizens themselves stopped using this preventive measure.
In the cities of the valley and the east of the country, the use of the chinstrap is minimal. In the western departments the use is still maintained, although only in the capital cities because in rural areas it is no longer used and it was the mayors themselves who reported, to the media, that people no longer use chinstraps and only seasonal illnesses like the flu await.