In the last few hours, personnel from the Special Force to Fight Crime (Felcc), Cochabamba, arrested a police lieutenant who is accused of the murder of Ramiro E. C, 34, who was shot the morning of this same day in a building in the central area of this city.
“I am keeping the identity of the victim to myself, since there could be another person who has participated in this fact, ” Briefly referred to the departmental director of the Felcc, Cochabamba, Colonel Ronald Tapia.
this saturday morning there was a shooting in the heart of the city of Cochabamba, Ramiro EC died in that event and the Police had apprehended three suspects; however, another implicated emerged in the night.
According to preliminary data, Ramiro EC would have hit his partner, a woman who is the aunt of the police officer, he surprised Ramiro and came out in defense of his relative. He used his regulation weapon and fired two shots at his aunt’s partner.
They explained that the uniformed man has been working in the Police since January 6 of this management, he participated in the operational intelligence course. The data also show that Second Lieutenant Kevin A. lived in a family with a history of violence and he lost his mother in an act of family violence.
Since then, he was raised by his aunt, whom today the now victim violently assaulted.
The uniformed man is in police cells, pending the taking of his information statement, in addition to being subjected to different tests.
During the legal removal of the body and the performance of expert reports, the director of the Felcc, Cochabamba, reported that The victim died after receiving two shots to the body. The report indicates that they found an entry hole in the left posterior thorax, without an exit hole. The other wound with an exit hole in the upper third of the right anterior chest.
“We have two apprehended and one arrested, who were transferred to the Felcc to take an informative statement. We are at the beginning of the investigation, we are just dealing with the statements,” said Tapia.
The police chief added that initially the accused said they were part of the same family.