The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) has public consultation open for sending contributions that will support the updating of the text of the Maytenus ilicifolia Mart. ex Reissek of the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia Herbal Medicines Form. The scientific name refers to the plant popularly known as espinheira-santa.
Native to the Southeast region of Brazil, its leaves are widely used in the treatment of stomach diseases.
How to participate
Interested parties have until June 24 to send contributions, through specific form provided by Anvisa. The contributions received, except for the personal data provided by the participants, are considered public and freely accessible.
After completing the electronic form, a protocol number will be made available to the participant, with the need to send documents by post or in person protocol in physical form with Anvisa.
In case of limitation of access to the Internet by citizens, it will be allowed to send suggestions in writing, in physical media, during the consultation period.