After karelim lopez declare that five parliamentarians from Acción Popular, listed as ‘Children‘, were part of an alleged criminal organization led by peter castlethe president of the LAMPA party, Mesías Guevara, spoke about the actions taken by his political organization.
“The political committee agreed that we make that exhortation and also request the Public Ministry to continue with its investigations in an objective and transparent manner. for the prestige of the congressmen themselves and their honorability”, he indicated for an interview with Exitosa Noticias. The politician had also submitted a statement on behalf of the political group on social media last Sunday the 8th.
Guevara Amasifuén also affirmed that, in order to safeguard the image of the party, “The most convenient thing is that they (‘The Children’) should request a suspension of their militancy while the investigations last.” After these statements he asserted that the congressman Juan Carlos Mori had already taken these actions and urged other lawmakers to follow suit.
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In investigations for the million dollar contracts scandal in it TCMLopez Arredondo accounted for the names of the five ‘kids’. Those implicated in the case are: Juan Mori, Raúl Doroteo, Ilich López, Darwin Espinoza and Jorge Flores.
On the other hand, regarding the political crisis, Mesías Guevara stated that Popular Action had always stated that “Both powers, both the Executive and the Legislative, should complete their mandate. (…) It is developing within our party’s militancy, as well as a large sector of the population, advancement of general electionssentenced the politician.
Guevara concluded that continuing to promote vacancies, as well as the closure of Congress, the only thing that generates political instability which then affects the economy and governance.