A team of doctors and specialists from Hospital III of EsSalud Chimbote removed a huge tumor of approximately 7 kilos from a 51-year-old mother of three children, who suffered from various pains due to this malformation lodged in the ovary.
Gynecologist Juan Vigo Mendoza, head of the Maternal and Child Department of Hospital III, reported that the operation lasted two hours and 30 minutes to successfully extract a giant left adnexal tumor with dimensions of 40 centimeters by 35 centimeters.
“The patient came to the office due to extreme pain. She immediately underwent an ultrasound and the result was unexpected. It was a very large tumor of the left ovary and therefore the operation was very careful since the cyst should not burst. Finally, the tumor was successfully removed.”, commented the specialist.
Specialist Vigo Mendoza pointed out that to minimize the patient’s pain during her recovery, a continuous infusion pump was placed through an epidural catheter. Today the patient is at home and undergoing outpatient treatment.
To prevent these cases, the doctor reported that ovarian tumors in women have to be detected through an ultrasound. In this sense, he indicated that it is important to perform one every year and routinely because sometimes these tumors are found by chance.
Grateful to the medical staff
The patient María Del Pilar Casas Risco thanked the doctors and professionals from EsSalud who were in charge of her surgery and her subsequent care.
“I thank the gynecologist and the director who have made it possible for me to be operated on this tumor that was already very large. I have felt discomfort for seven months, but now I feel calmer, ”he pointed out.