The former president and former senator of the Republic, Julio María Sanguinetti, positioned himself in favor of the legalization of euthanasia because he understands that it is in line with the freedom of the individual he claims to defend.
In an interview with VTV NewsSanguinetti said that he is “favorable” to the decriminalization of euthanasia and assisted suicide” and recalled that he also agreed with the decriminalization of abortion.
And he recalled: “During the dictatorship I had some controversies on that subject. Why? I believe in freedom and I believe that no one has the right to impose their morality on the other”.
As an example, he commented: “It’s like the divorce issue. You are Catholic, for example. You don’t believe in divorce? Fantastic, no one is forcing a divorce on you. But if I need to get a divorce, why not?
the bill
In Uruguay, euthanasia is illegal, that is, third parties cannot assist a person who wishes to die of their own free will. However, through Law No. 18473 “Regulation of advance directives for medical treatments and procedures that prolong life in terminal cases” (regulated by decree 385/013 of December 2013) gives the patient the freedom to reject the treatment and palliative care in case you want to stop prolonging your own existence.
From the year 2020 entered parliament the Euthanasia and Medically Assisted Suicide bill that exempts “from responsibility the doctor who, acting in accordance with the provisions of this law and at the express request of a person of legal age, mentally fit, sick with a terminal pathology, irreversible and incurable or afflicted with unbearable suffering, kills him or helps him to kill himself”.