The state of Rio de Janeiro follows the green flag for the second consecutive month, with a very low risk for covid-19. According to the State Health Department, the analysis compares the sixteenth epidemiological week (SE16) of this year, from April 17 to 23, with the fourteenth week (SE 14), from April 3 to 9.
This week’s Covid-19 Risk Map, released today (29), brings the Bay of Ilha Grande, Baixada Litorânea, Metropolitan I, Metropolitan II, Northwest and North of Rio de Janeiro in green flag (very low risk). The regions of Médio Paraíba, Centro Sul and Serrana remained with the yellow flag (low risk).
In the analyzed period, the total number of hospitalizations fell by 81%, from 32 to six hospitalizations. The deaths decreased by 41.7%, falling from 12 to seven in the week between the 17th and 23rd of this month.
Vaccination on the rise
Secretary of State for Health, Alexandre Chieppe, said the state of Rio remains at low risk for the disease. “Hospitalizations and deaths continue to show a reduction and this is a direct result of the advance of vaccination. We already have more than 32 million doses applied and 78% of people aged five years and over are immunized. Even with this scenario, we need people who have not yet completed the vaccination schedule or who are ready to receive the booster dose to return to the health centers. [de vacinação]”, he stated.
The average number of requests for hospitalization in the period from 20 to 27 April was six, which indicates a drop of 10%. In the same period, the average waiting list for hospitalization was five people, indicating a decrease of 10% in the last 14 days.