The Peruvian Defense and Military Attaché in Colombia, Army Colonel Arístides Iván Córdova Krugg, was recognized by the Association of Defense, Military, Naval, Air and Police Attachés and Attachés, Accredited in said country with the medal “Orden al Merit of brotherhood, solidarity, cooperation and reciprocal support”, an act that was in charge of the Frigate Captain Harald Nikolaus Krempchen of the Federal Republic of Germany.
This recognition was given on March 31, according to a press release, detailing that the Peruvian was appointed president of the aforementioned diplomatic military association, an institution that brings together 60 associates from 22 countries around the world.
“From the beginning, it promoted and facilitated relations with the Colombian military authorities, fostering and strengthening the bonds of friendship and camaraderie between its members and the military forces and the National Police, permanently managing professional visits to units and operational facilities belonging to all the forces. , with the purpose of knowing the missions, capacities and actions that develop the members of the association”, is indicated in the statement.
Along these lines, it is highlighted that the Córdova Krugg has generated a mutual respect of ideas and feelings “fostering esprit de corps and camaraderie among its members and their respective families.” “The narrated events have led to recognition by each and every one of those who make up the association,” he indicates.
It should be noted that the soldier was appointed military attaché in Colombia on February 1, 2021 and managed to participate in events, talks and ceremonies proposed by the Colombian Military Forces, being recognized by the different diplomatic delegations accredited in that country.