Santo Domingo.- According to Virginia Saiz, member of the DR Children’s NGO Coalition and director of the non-governmental organization International Planparents “have ceded the upbringing of their children to the screens” without knowing that a universe is being left open to them that, although it can be educational, can also be very dangerous.
He considered that, as adults, they should be more aware of what their children consume on the Internet, since “even if they are sitting on the sofa, it does not mean that they are safe”.
Saiz stated that more than 90% of girls who are exposed to social networks suffer online harassment, and therefore the insistence on the attention that should be paid to this type of issues, which can have serious consequences, if not discovered and treated in time.
“Part of the violence that children acquire over time is due to what they consume through screens. Parents have gotten out of the habit of pushing them away when a violent situation is happening in a movie, and they just let it start to become normal,” she added.
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His statements were made at the Weekly Luncheon of the Corripio Communications Group, where other members of the coalition also participated, such as Marlon Herrera, a member of Boys and Girls with Don Bosco; Kirsi de los Santos, a member of Aldeas Infantiles; Johnny Bidó, member of World Vision, and Thomas Polanco, national coordinator of Apprentices.
During the meeting, the issue of child violence affecting the Dominican Republic was discussed, where the participants stated that “everything begins in the family.”
According to Polanco, through a recent study carried out by World Vision, it was discovered that 50% of parents consider that it is okay to raise children with violence.
“If it is not flip flops, children will never be well educated and prepared to live in society, so they begin to exercise physical, verbal and psychological violence that the only result is a domino effect in a negative way,” he said.
He cited that “parents hit their children, the children learn that model of behavior and repeat it, keeping the country in the same situation it is currently in, where 64% of children say they are victims of violence by His parents”.