Alfonso Durazo, governor of Morena, said he supports the vote in favor as it will strengthen the Mexican electricity industry and nationalize lithium, among other advantages.
With it, we will have instruments to promote clean energy, it will force large companies to pay what is fair, domestic tariffs will decrease and, most importantly, lithium will be the property of the nation.
– Alfonso Durazo (@AlfonsoDurazo)
April 17, 2022
Citlalli Hernández, general secretary, confronted the opposition deputy Jorge Álvarez Máynez from Movimiento Ciudadano.
the demagogue of @AlvarezMaynez says to defend @Pemex Already @CFEmx It is not defending the country.
They disdain public companies and Mexican professionals and technicians; that all workers and their families know. They have decided to tarnish our sovereignty. #Sell Homelands
— Citlalli Hernández M (@CitlaHM)
April 17, 2022
Layda Sansores, governor of Campeche, did something similar, and even issued a warning to deputy Pedro Armentía of the PRI: “You are young and charismatic. You have a political future. Betrayal is an indelible mark and time does not erase it.”