In the event that the loan to subsidize fuel for Petropar and the private sector is sanctioned, truck drivers will once again close routes and people will not be able to travel this Easter, according to the spokesperson for the Truckers Federation.
“If the norm does not go as we want, whoever wants to travel will not be able to do so. The one who is already traveling is because Iporâeterei import it later”, affirmed the president of the Federation of Truckers, Roberto Almirón, in an interview with 780 AM.
He explained that the union opposes the use of a loan to finance the subsidy and that private emblems benefit from the measure.
In this sense, Almirón indicated that the leaders of the different associations are coming to Asunción to talk with the deputies, who must discuss the project that creates the Fuel Stabilization Fund, which has half a sanction from the Upper House.
The fund called Fondecpy will be financed with a loan of 100 million dollars, through the Andean Development Corporation (CAF).
The Fondecpy will be made up of tax revenues from the Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) levied on oil-derived fuels, and other resources from contracting loans, donations and other allocations made by the Ministry of Finance or other sources of income. financing.
The measure will be valid for three months, with the option of extending or reducing the term, as well as the application to other types of fuels.