The Ministry of Economy has put up for sale 20 properties belonging to the Union, which can be purchased at auctions that will be held this month. Located in nine states and the Federal District, the properties have values ranging from R$38.5 thousand to R$17.25 million. In total, the assets are valued at R$ 67.5 million. Interested parties must submit offers electronically, through the portal SalesGov.
The offers are for land, farms, houses and apartments located in São Paulo, Espírito Santo, Distrito Federal, Santa Catarina, Roraima, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Ceará, Bahia and Mato Grosso.
Public notices, photos of the properties and other details are available on the VendasGov portal. As the process is virtual, offers can be submitted until 2:59 pm on the day of the public session. Public sessions are always held at 3 pm and the offer with the highest value wins the competition.
“However, for validation to take place, it is necessary to attach proof of payment of the security deposit, equivalent to 5% of the value of the property, which must be made at Caixa Econômica Federal, according to the notice. If the proposal submitted is not the winner, the deposit is fully refunded. To register the offers, it is necessary to have a single registration on the GOV.BR portal, which allows access to the pages of the federal government”, informed the Ministry of Economy.
He added that seven properties are for sale because they have received a Property Acquisition Proposal (PAI), a mechanism that allows individuals or legal entities to submit purchase offers to acquire any property in the Union. Another 13 assets, which did not receive an acquisition proposal, can also be sold.
Properties to be auctioned
A 2,500 m² plot of land in Santos (SP), valued at R$ 1.7 million. The public tender will be held in April 8th.
A 287 thousand m² farm in Aracruz (ES), valued at R$ 2.4 million, whose public tender will be promoted in 11th of April.
A 6,500 m² warehouse in Vitória (ES), valued at R$ 10.7 million. The public tender will be on the day April 12th.
A plot of 19.16 thousand m² in Maringá (PR), valued at R$ 6.45 million. The bidding had been suspended and will be carried out in April 12th.
A 1,390 m² plot of land in Salvador (BA), with improvements/mansion, valued at R$ 7.20 million. The competition had been suspended and will be on the day April 13th.
A 112 m² apartment in Brasília (DF), located at SQS 102, valued at R$ 877.5 thousand. The public tender will be held in april 14.
A 2,400 m² plot of land in Palhoça (SC), which can be bought for R$ 38,500 on the day April 22nd.
A 436 m² house in Curitiba (PR), which can be bought for R$ 296.2 thousand on the day April 5th.
A 749 m² plot of land in Alecrim (RS), which can be acquired for R$ 106,500 on the day April 13th.
A 5,000 m² plot of land in Goiânia (GO), which can be bought for R$ 15.75 million on the day april 14.
A 3,000 m² plot of land in Paracuru (CE), which can be sold for R$ 146,000 on the day april 18.
A 346 m² plot of land in Caxias do Sul (RS), which can be purchased for R$ 502,500 on the day April 19th.
Two rooms in Salvador (BA), located in Ed. Centro Empresarial Iguatemi, which can be purchased for BRL 101,600 and BRL 105,000 on the day april 20.
A 5,300 m² plot of land in Alto Garças (MT), which can be bought for R$ 1.32 million on the day April 25.
A 173 m² plot of land, with improvements/store, in Porto Alegre (RS), which can be purchased for R$ 270 thousand on the day April 26.
A 9,616 m² plot of land in Porto Alegre (RS), with improvements/hospital, which returns to the competition on the april 27which can be purchased for R$ 17.25 million.
Two stores in Fortaleza (CE), which can be purchased for BRL 81,240 and BRL 107,400, both on the day april 28.
A building in Salvador (BA), with 9,600 m² of built area, which can be purchased for R$ 2.12 million on the day april 29.