Among the homicides for which he accepted responsibility according to the Prosecutor’s Office, there are cases of bodies cut into parts. Alias ’Pipe’, he was the head of the criminal structure ‘La Inmaculada’.
News Valley.
The investigation of the Prosecutor’s Office with the support of the police in Cauca, Valle and Quindío determined that the criminal gang ‘La Inmaculada’, led by alias Pipe, used homicides as methods to control the territory and to increase fear in the population. and other gangs, dismembered their victims.
Felipe Marín Silva agreed to be involved in 39 homicides, several other cases of attempted murders and innumerable extortions.
He would be committing a crime since 2011, according to the records that are available.
He acted in Tuluá, Popayán, La Tebaida and Armenia, in three departments he committed crimes: the final sentence, 30 years in prison. In this case, for “the collaboration” that he provided to justice for the clarification of several cases.
Alias Pipe is being held in La Picaleña (Ibagué). He was charged and convicted of the crimes of homicide, aggravated extortive kidnapping, extortion, attempted extortion and aggravated conspiracy to commit a crime.
In addition to the prison sentence, “he must pay a fine of 12,550 current legal monthly minimum wages,” more than 12 billion pesos.
The investigation began in Valle del Cauca for the murder of an INPEC dragoonist, and there a trail of crimes began to be discovered.
Alias Pipe was behind the murder of the dragoonist of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) Edinson Montenegro Cardona, which occurred on April 12, 2017 in Tuluá, Valle.
the final sentence, 30 years in prison.
Said homicide was ordered from inside the Cómbita penitentiary in Boyacá, where the man sentenced today was being held.
Another case was recorded in the same Valle del Cauca municipality, a man was murdered, dismembered and the parts thrown into the river. They found some.
#ATTENTION | Conclusiveness of the evidentiary material presented by the #Attorney allowed Judge de Buga, #Cauca’s Valleysentenced Andrés Felipe Marín Silva, alias Pipe, to 30 years in prison, who acknowledged responsibility for 39 murders and 7 attempted murders.
– Colombia Prosecutor’s Office (@FiscaliaCol) March 23, 2022