This Monday is the fourth day of receipt of documents from candidates for Ombudsman, but no application has arrived. What was recorded was the appearance of interested in knowing the requirements, who chose to make their consultation in person, despite the fact that these documents are published on the websites of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators, in addition to the Vice Presidency of the State.
From the parliament they reported that Approximately 23 people showed up at the offices of the Mixed Constitution Commission to gather the requirements demanded by this call and compare if they have the necessary documents.
Candidates need 19 documents in total from six state entities. The Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) is assigned four documents, two birth certificates, registration in the electoral roll, certificate of non-militance and the certificate of not being a political leader. The Judicial Branch must issue the Rejap certificates, on the sentences that people had, and the Cenvi, which is the certificate of non-violence.
The Ministry of Defense is in charge of issuing the certificate or legalized copy of the Military Service booklet, only in the case of male candidates. Then there are the certificates of knowledge of two official languages of the country and the certificate of an institution linked to the defense of human rights in favor of the candidate.
The rest of the documents are sworn statements before notaries, nine of the 18 requirements require the presentation of these documents. Obtaining all these papers is what takes so that the candidates have not presented themselves, since the call indicates that all the documents must have a date of issue after the call, which was issued on Friday, March 18.
The president of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, urged citizens who want to apply as candidates for not wait until the last days of the call, whose date He expires on April 1, according to the official document.